User Operation Manual

  • User Operation Manual

1 About Merchant Portal

Merchant Portal is a solution for merchants implemented as a web application and later also as a mobile application.

Merchant Portal will provide for merchants easy and smart access to basic data and functionalities:

  • Interactive dashboards with transaction overview and statistics
  • Displaying data about merchant’s hierarchy
    • Merchant Detail
    • List of Branches
    • Branch detail
    • List of Terminals
    • Terminal detail
  • Displaying data about transactions
    • List of Transactions
    • Transaction detail
  • Message exchange between merchant users and the bank
  • Creating data exports and reports

The aim is to provide merchants with a simple, clear, and modern web / mobile application enabling quick access to their data and future upgrades and improvements of the application.

2 Login

2.1 Prerequisites

User is granted access to the application with the set user role and with the set binding to the merchant (whole merchant or specified branches). The user has received welcome email with login details.

2.2 First Time Login

Note: This is only necessary if you have never logged in before. For normal login procedure go to the chapter Subsequent Login.


Click the Log in button in the received welcome email. The welcome form will appear where you have to set you password. Then click Set password button.

Note: See the chapter Password rules or read the hints on the input fields.

In the next screen you are required to install the authentication application. When it is installed click Next.

You are required to set up the authenticator. Add new account in the authentication application and link the new account with Merchant Portal through scanning the displayed QR code. When done click Next.

You are prompted to enter the OTP (One Time Passcode) generated in the authentication application. After you enter it click Log in button.

You are logged first time in the application.

Note: Please save the link that is currently displayed in the browser as a favorite for the next login to Merchant Portal.

2.3 Password Rules

Your password must be at least 8 characters long, allowed characters are a...z, A...Z, 0...9, _!@$*=-? must contain at least 5 alphanumeric characters and must not contain common dictionary words.

2.4 OTP

OTP (One Time Passcode) for secure 2-level user authentication within the login to Merchant Portal is generated in the authentication application (Google Authenticator).

Information about installation of the authentication application, its setup and use is described in the chapter First Time Login.

2.5 Subsequent Login

A welcome form will appear where you have to input your E-mail address and your Password (set by the first time login). Then click the Log in button.

In the next form input the 6-digit code (One Time Passcode) generated in the authentication application. Then click the Log in button.

You are logged in the application.

Warning: After repeated failed login attempts, the user will be blocked.

2.6 Forgotten password

In case you forget your password, click on Forgot password in the bottom right corner of the form.

When user starts the process Forgot password?, the reset of password and also OTP will start. So users can themselves reset their user account this way.

You will be instructed to enter your email address.

You will then receive a password reset email. Go to the link from the email and you will be allowed to change your password to a new one.

After entering the new password, you need to scan a new QR code for OTP (one-time password).

3 Screen Components

The portal screen consists of several components.

  1. Header
    Name of the displayed screen
    Note: There is welcome text on the entry screen
  2. Menu
    1. Main menu with menu items linked to the particular merchant data screens
    2. Additional menu with menu items linked to the helping data and services
  3. Screen content
    Displayed data related to the screen topic.
    On some screens, the content is divided into several sections,
    e.g. on the data list screens there are
    1. Service section where are search field, buttons, etc.
    2. Data section with displayed particular data

4 Portal Functionalities

4.1 Home Page

On the Home Page there is a dashboard with transaction statistics shown in graphs.

4.2 Merchant

To view the merchant details, click on Merchant in the side menu. Merchant information such as name, merchant ID or registration number will be displayed.

Click on the field with the number of terminals or branches to go to their overview page.

4.3 Branches

Below Merchant you will find an overview of its branches. You can search it and also export the results to xlsx.

In the right column of the table you can click into the details of the branch.

4.3.1 Branch Detail

The details show information about the branch and statistics about transactions made there.

4.4 Terminals

The Terminals page contains an overview of all terminals in your organization. You can filter the overview.

4.4.1 Terminal Detail

You can access the terminal details by clicking on the terminal overview. Here you will find the status and other information about the terminal.

4.5 Transactions

The Transactions page provides an overview of transactions. If you have the appropriate permissions, this page will also allow you to perform actions on transactions.

4.5.1 Transaction Detail

The transaction detail can be accessed from the transaction overview. Click on the three dots in the right column and the View detail option will expand.

4.6 Messages

The functionality of the Messages module enables communication between the merchant user and the bank.

The Messagess page contains 2 tabs

  • Inbox - list of messages delivered to the merchant
  • Sent - list of messages sent by the merchant

Using the Create message button, writing a message in a predefined form is started, in which the system pre-fills and offers values from the database to facilitate the filling of the form for the user.

In parallel with the message in the Merchant Portal application, both the sender and the recipient will receive a e-mail confirmation/notification to the e-mail addresses defined in their profiles.

4.7 Reports

On the Reports screen, the user can process specific reports, e.g. statistical report.

The report data displayed in the table on the screen can be filtered and then exported to an XLS file.

5 General Functionalities

5.1 Export

In the overview sections in top right corner you can find an Export button. This function allows you to download XLS file containing currently shown (or filtered) data from the table.

5.2 Searching

The search box is located in the top left corner of the reports page.

5.3 Filtering

Similarly as with the Export function, in the top right corner, you can see the Filter button to narrow your table results based on various parameters.

When done with filling out the desired details scroll to the bottom of this window and click on the blue button called "Apply Filter" to show the filtered data.

After applying a filter you can see all the selected parameters listed as separate conditions. By clicking on the "x" icon next to the filtered parameter you can disable it to broaden the displayed results again. If you wish to cancel all the filters just remove any shown parameter with the same process as shown in the screenshot below.

5.4 Table View

More results per page

If you want to show more results per the same page scroll beneath the shown table and in the bottom left corner select more results from the Results per page dropdown menu (displayed as number 1 in the screenshot above).

Listing pages

Additionally, for listing through the results in the table, you can change pages in the bottom right corner to a specific part or simply show the next following page (displayed in the screenshot as number 2).

Column-based sorting

In addition to the other viewing or filtering functions you can also sort the results based on of the values from different columns. You can do so by simply clicking on the column headers. This will automatically sort the results in the column from the lowest to highest or alphabetically (A-Z). You can reverse the sort order by clicking the same way again.

5.5 Set Language

The language settings can be found on the profile page.

5.6 Reset Password

The password reset form can be found on the Profile page. Enter your existing password, enter the new password underneath and save.

5.7 Merchant Selection

If the user has set parameter Multimerchant, the user can access the data of several merchants under one user account.

The user switches between particular merchants by selecting from the selectbox in the upper right corner of the application screens.

5.8 Deactivated / inactive user

If there is displayed a message that the user is inactive, it means that the user has been deactivated by the bank admin. The user is asked to contact support. (See the link Contact on the login page.)

Contacted support can reactivate the user and this will reset their user account.

The user is informed by email about the reset of the user account and about other necessary steps. After setting a new password and OTP by the user, the user can log in to the web / mobile application again. If the user does not set a new password and OTP, an error message will be displayed when trying to login using the old credentials.

6 User Management

Functionality described in this chapter is available for users with user role Admin and is accessible on the screen Users.

6.1 Create User

Click Create user in header of the right column on the screen Users.

The pop-up window Create user will be displayed.

Following user parameters have to be set:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • E-mail - is used as login name and must be unique
  • Company name or Registration Nr. of merchant
  • User binding
    • See description in the sub-chapter below
  • User role
    • See description in the sub-chapter below

Phone Nr. is not mandatory.

After entering the data click Save. The user will be created, set to status Approved, identified by a unique User ID and notified by welcome e-mail with login instructions.

6.1.1 User Roles

Every user has assigned user role(s), which are assigned to the user within the process of user creation by admin.

The basic minimum is the role User and user can have any combination of the user roles (see below).

The set user roles can be changed within user update by admin.

User role Description
User Can read all data (except financial) according to user binding. The role is basic minimum and can't be removed.
Admin Can create user for own company (merchant), but can't assign the role Admin.
Financial Can read financial data, e.g.Tariffs, BINs in the screen Branch Detail.

6.1.2 User Binding

Every user has assigned user binding, which is assigned to the user within the process of user creation by admin.

User binging defines which part of the hierarchy of the company (merchant) is accessible/visible for the user (see below).

The set user binding can be changed within user update by admin.

User binding Description
Merchant User can see data of the whole merchant hierarchy.
Branch User can see only data of selected branches which were set in Branches selection within the user creation process.
Multimerchant User can see data of the whole hierarchy of several merchants.

6.2 Update User

Click on the three dots in the right column of screen Users and choose Update from the expanded options menu.

The pop-up window Update user will be displayed.

Following user parameters can be changed:

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Phone Nr.
  • User binding
  • User role

After updating the data click Save.

E-mail is used as login name and can be changed only by admin from bank.
The role admin can be added to user only by admin from bank.

6.3 Reset User Account

Click on the three dots in the right column of screen Users and choose Reset User Account from the expanded options menu.

System question appears to confirm the reset. Click Yes if the user account has to be reseted.

The user with reseted account will be notified by e-mail and the user will set new password and OTP as by the first time login.

Note: When user starts the process "Forgot password?", the reset of password and also OTP will start. So users can themselves reset their user account this way.

6.4 Deactivate User

Click on the three dots in the right column of screen Users and choose Deactivate from the expanded options menu.

System question appears to confirm the deactivation. Click Yes.

The deactivated user's status changes to Inactive, and the user cannot log in to the merchant's portal until reactivation by the admin.

6.5 Activate User

A user in status Inactive can be set active again by clicking Activate in the option menu displayed after click on the three dots in the right column of screen Users.

6.6 Multimerchant

Admin from bank can create and update a user with parameter Multimerchant, i.e., user who logs in with one email address and has access to the data of several merchants.

In the window Create user / Update user the admin can click the field Multimerchant and set more merchants whom data can the user access.